Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association (THKTA) organized a business dinner in Bangkok, Thailand, on 19 July 2022 in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China. The theme of the celebration is “A New Era – Stability • Prosperity • Opportunity”. The event is supported by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Bangkok) (Bangkok ETO) and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) in Thailand. Since its return to the motherland on July 1, 1997, Hong Kong has continued to grow and evolve, establishing itself as the only city in the world that offers a secure and dynamic environment for business, an exciting, cosmopolitan lifestyle and direct access to the Chinese economy.

Around 200 guests from various sectors including political, business circles and media as well as government representatives attended the dinner. Amongst them were the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Thailand, H.E. Mr. Han Zhiqiang; the Director of The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Bangkok), Mr. Sheung Yuen Lee; the Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of East Asian Affairs, Khun Arjaree Sriratanaban; the Regional Director of  Southeast Asia & South Asia, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Mr Peter Wong; the Regional Director of Southeast Asia, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Mr Raymond Chan; and the President of Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association, Mr Jose Lai.

In his remarks at the dinner, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Thailand, H.E. Mr. Han Zhiqiang, said that the HKSAR’s 25th anniversary is a special occasion and an important milestone.

The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HKSAR, Mr. Algernon Yau, also addressed the dinner in a virtual speech. Mr. Yau highlighted that Hong Kong’s business environment remains resilient as ever with its strong foundations. “The theme “A New Era – Stability • Prosperity • Opportunity” not only captures Hong Kong’s impressive achievements over the past two and a half decades, it also underscores the eager anticipation for and confidence in a brighter future. Remaining true to the original aspiration of “One Country, Two Systems”, the common goal of the Central Authorities and the HKSAR Government is to maintain long-term stability and prosperity and to work hand-in-hand to usher in a new era of opportunities to unleash Hong Kong’s unique strengths under the National 14th Five-Year Plan and within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) development.” Mr Yau said.

The program of the dinner included a panel discussion on “25 Years and Beyond – Opportunities in Thailand and Hong Kong.” Panel speakers include leading company representatives with ties to Hong Kong that are based in Thailand. They were, President of Do Food Co Ltd, Mr. Panusak Palawatpong; General Manager & Country Manager of OneAsia Data Center (Thailand) Company Limited, Mr. Timothy Wong; Finance Manager of Meyer Industries  Limited, Mr. S.K. Kwok; and Head of Wholesale Banking from HSBC Thailand, Mr. Krisda Phatcharoen. The panel discussion was moderated by Ms. Shirley Ng, Director, Thailand and South Asia of Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

During the panel discussion, industry leaders shared first-hand information about vast business opportunities in Thailand and Hong Kong, especially in GBA in China and the Easter Economic Corridor (EEC) in Thailand. There are a lot of potentials for collaboration between Hong Kong and Thailand in many areas of common interests.  With the free economy, a low and simple tax system, well-established infrastructural connectivity, a market-oriented and international business environment, as well as Hong Kong’s free trade agreements with ASEAN, Hong Kong will definitely be Thailand’s prime partner to seize many new opportunities ahead.

Before the dinner came to a close, guests were treated to an exclusive music performance by Mahidol Chamber Orchestra. This entertainment programme was to highlight and showcase the talents and cultural diversity of Hong Kong. The song “Ebb and Flow” depicted the vibrancy and colourful city of Hong Kong. With the piece composed by a Hong Kong young music talent, Mr. King Heng Keith Leung, and played live by a prestigious team of Thai musicians, this performance signified a very valuable occasion of cultural exchange between the two places, Hong Kong and Thailand. Three other popular Chinese songs were also performed by Mahidol Heavenly Voice, Classical Voice Department of Mahidol University’s College of Music.


香港特別行政區成立25周年慶祝晚宴 2022年7月19日

泰國香港總商會(THKTA)在2022年7月19日成功在泰國曼谷舉辦商務晚宴,以慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十五周年,酒會以「砥礪奮進廿五載 攜手再上新征程」為主題,旨在加強香港與泰國之間的經貿及人文聯繫。是次活動有賴香港駐曼谷經濟貿易辦事處(曼谷經貿辦)和香港貿易發展局全力支持。自1997年7月1日回歸祖國後,香港不斷成長和蛻變,奠定作為全球獨一無二城市的地位,提供安全與多元的營商環境、多姿多彩的大都會生活、以及直接通達中國大陸經濟體的連繫。

約200名來自政商界、媒體嘉賓及政府部門代表出席晚宴,當中包括中華人民共和國駐泰王國特命全權大使韓志強先生、香港駐曼谷經濟貿易辦事處處長李湘原先生、泰國外交部東亞司司長Khun Arjaree Sriratanaban、香港貿易發展局東南亞及南亞首席代表黃天偉先生、香港旅遊發展局東南亞區域總監陳俊文先生,以及泰國香港總商會會長黎鉅立先生。


香港特區政府商務及經濟發展局局長丘應樺先生在晚宴上透過視像致辭時強調,香港的基礎雄厚,營商環境一直穩健。他指出,二十五周年慶祝主題『砥礪奮進廿五載 攜手再上新征程』不但總結香港過去二十五年的驕人成就,更標誌著對更美好未來的堅定信心。在「一國兩制」獨特優勢和中央全力支持下,香港將保持繁榮安定,通力合作,以迎接和把握國家《十四五規劃綱要》和粵港澳大灣區(大灣區)發展所帶來的龐大機遇。

晚宴期間由四家在泰國與香港有密切關係且具代表性的企業代表一起圍繞「二十五年及未來:泰國和香港的機遇」進行小組討論,主講嘉賓包括Do Food Co Ltd總裁Panusak Palawatpong(劉霽緯)先生; OneAsia Data Center (Thailand) Company Limited 總經理兼國家經理 Timothy Wong (黃添德)先生;Meyer Industries Limited 財務經理 S.K. Kwok(郭兆佳)先生;滙豐銀行(泰國)的批發銀行業務總監 Krisda Phatcharoen 先生。小組討論由香港貿易發展局泰國及南亞代表Shirley Ng(吳映雯)女士主持。


晚宴結束前,嘉賓欣賞了一場由泰國瑪希敦大學Mahidol Chamber Orchestra特備的音樂演奏。表演彰顯了香港的人才與文化多樣性,表演曲目《香江流水》(Ebb and Flow)音樂是由香港青年音樂才子梁景恒先生作曲及編曲,由泰國首屈一指的樂團現場演奏,深刻描繪了香港充滿活力和色彩的城市面貌,並向嘉賓展現泰港文化交流的精粹。 最後還邀得泰國瑪希敦大學音樂學院,古典聲音樂系的歌唱團隊Mahidol Heavenly Voice獻唱三首中文流行歌曲,為晚宴畫上完美的句號。

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