Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association visited The Providence Foundation of Thailand in Chiang Rai (Chiang Saen) for a Second-hand Computer Donation
On 1 July 2022, the Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association including President Khun Jose Lai, Secretary-General Khun Eunice Tse, Chairman of the Charity Committee Khun Alex Hung and the association Advisor Dr. Charles Cheung, represented the Association to donate more than 30 sets of used computers generously sponsored by JADS Comm, an ordinary member of the association, to a girls’ boarding house founded by The Providence Foundation of Thailand in Chiang Rai (Chiang Sean). The computer sets donated will enhance the facility of the boarding house and will improve the learning experience of the girls there.
The Providence Foundation of Thailand is a non-profit making organization established by a group of kind-hearted Sisters, and they aim to support a group of helpless, homeless or parentless hill tribe girls in Northern Thailand, most of these girls suffered from lack of proper care or no parents (or daughters of refugees from Myanmar). The Sisters shared they were heart-broken when they witnessed the experiences and living conditions of the girls in the hill tribes, and the only thing they can do was to help them out of despair and bring them back to the boarding house at Chiang Sean, providing them with a safe and supportive shelter at no charge. The boarding house is a place where the girls can receive motherly physical and mental care, including full-day boarding, day care, meals, life protection and education. Due to physical and financial limitations, the Providence Foundation of Thailand can only support girls at their boarding house. The Foundation hopes to help the girls to improve their economic abilities and protect them from the crisis of human trafficking by raising them into an educated and healthy person, to shelter them from danger, and apart from going to school, the Foundation will equip them with other skills for survival and household works, so that they can take care of themselves and their families in the future, as well as to serve the society.
In this donation event, the representatives of the Association had an in-depth exchanges with the Sisters of the Foundation to know about their mission, and there was an opportunity to interact with girls in the house. During the experience, girls had prepared 2 songs to thank the Association for their visit and donation. The angelic singing had touched everyone’s hearts and the representatives of the Association were glad to witness the peace of mind and the healthy bright smile on the girls hats off to the persistence and efforts of the Sisters over all these years, as well as the kind support from different people to the foundation in terms of financial and material resources. The representatives of the Association felt very fortunate to be able to visit the boarding house in person, to learn about the mission, operations and difficulties that the Sisters of the Foundation had overcame, and the Association would like to express our admirations and gratitude to the unfailing efforts the Sisters and the Foundation had done in Chiang Sean for the girls.
If member of friend of the Association would love to know more about the mission of The Providence Foundation of Thailand, or is interested in making a donation to the Foundation, please feel free to contact the Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association for further information. We believe shared joy is double joy, and please help the unprivileged ones if you can.
泰國香港總商會到清萊(清盛)The Providence Foundation of Thailand 進行二手電腦捐贈活動
泰國香港總商會於2022年7月1日,派出代表包括會長Jose Lai、顧問Dr. Charles Cheung、秘書長Eunice Tse及慈善委員會主席Alex Hung,一行帶同30多台由商會企業會員單位JADS Comm公司捐贈的二手電腦到清萊(清盛),捐贈予The Providence Foundation of Thailand,以支持其女童寄宿運作,讓院友能通過電腦學習。
The Providence Foundation of Thailand是由一班在泰修女義務組織的非牟利機構,旨主支援一班在泰北山區部落的女童,她們多是缺乏妥善照顧或喪失父母(難民)的兒童。修女們提到很多入住的女童都是她們在山區拜訪時了解到她們的苦況後,慘不忍睹便安排女童搬離山區,入住到其位於清盛的院舍,無條件為她們提供免費、安全居所,並提供如母親般的身心照顧和關懷,包括:全日寄宿、日間托兒、膳食、人生保護及教育。機構目前的力量有限只能支援女童,機構希望通過把她們養育成才,除了讓她們健康成長,遠離危險,也鼓勵她們努力學習知識和求生、持家等技能,日後讓她們能夠照顧自己和家庭,以及為社會服務,協助她們提升其經濟能力,遠離人口販賣的危機。
如本會會員或朋友欲了解更多關於The Providence Foundation of Thailand的使命,或有興趣進行捐助,歡迎與本會聯絡。謝謝各位,為善最樂,福有攸歸
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